
During COVID-19

We hope everyone is well and staying safe during these hard times.

Mattison English has been conducting our lessons online. Of course we would prefer to have everyone come over to our house for classes but we all have to work through this together.

At this time, our students have fewer chances to be exposed to live English since everything is shut down. We are glad to offer the opportunity for them all to have the chance to speak to a live person albeit online. It is important for them to keep their conversation skills oiled and ready for action so when they do go back to school or back into public they won’t be so rusty.

Something we noticed during online lessons:
Students that are used to coming to our lessons feel safe and confident being with us . They are more themselves when they can have privacy when they talk to us online. They can completely focus and be more involved in the lesson if they are not distracted by other people in the room. They need to take chances when they speak English and can depend on us to correct them when it is important or ask us questions.

What can you do?
As well as talking with us, students and their families could make times when they speak English to each other by playing games, cooking together, looking at art online or just chatting.
これは通学・オンラインに関わらずいえる事ですが、ご家庭内で「English time」と家族みんなが英語を話す時間を短時間作ってみたりするもの変化があってお勧めです。英会話をしながらボードゲームや料理をしたりするのはいかがでしょう。またEnglish版のオンラインゲームや洋画、洋楽、youtubeなども効率的に用いるのも良いでしょう。

We are all in this together and get through this together.


Essay Writing


アメリカでは小学生低学年からFirst, Next, Then, Last といったように英文の書き方を習い始め、4th grade辺りから徐々にエッセイの基本を学び、6th grade辺りから本格的なEssayの書き方を学び始めます。

Which season do you like best?

  1. I like summer best. – 結論 
  2. I can swim at a beach. – 理由1 
  3. The daylight is longer. – 理由2 
  4. I don’t have to wear a heavy coat. – 理由3 
  5. Summer is my favorite season. – 結論 

これはThe 5-sentence Personal Essayというとてもシンプルで分かりやすいエッセイの書き方指導です。
あのJohn F. Kennedy もこの用法を使いハーバード大学へ入ったとあります。
下がそのオリジナルー Via JFK Library and Museum

John Kennedy JFK Harvard University Application Essay

ℚuestion “Why do you wish to come to Harvard?” Here’s what a young JFK had to say:

The reasons that I have for wishing to go to Harvard are several. I feel that Harvard can give me a better background and a better liberal education than any other university. I have always wanted to go there, as I have felt that it is not just another college, but is a university with something definite to offer. Then too, I would like to go to the same college as my father. To be a “Harvard man” is an enviable distinction, and one that I sincerely hope I shall attain.

April 23, 1935 John F. Kennedy


★I believe–/ In my opinion, / I agree with–/ From my point of view, / I support the idea that –/
★ Firstly, / To start with, / One reason that / First of all, / The first reason is that /
★ Secondly, / In addition, / Next, / Moreover, / Furthermore, /
★ Lastly, / At last, / Additionally, / In comparison, / On the other hand, /
★ In conclusion, / To conclude, / For the reasons above, / In summary, / To sum up, / As I have stated above, /


  1. Introduction
    – Hook 興味を引く文
    -Thesis Statement 主張
    – Briefly introduce 3 topic sentences 3つの論点の投入
  2. Topic Sentence 1
    – Elaborate the topic sentence 詳細
    – Provide an example/ evidence/ quotation 例、証明、引用
    – Explain the importance of the example/ evidence/ quotation 上の詳細
  3. Topic Sentence 2
    – Elaborate the topic sentence
    – Provide an example/ evidence/ quotation
    – Explain the importance of the example/ evidence/ quotation
  4. Topic Sentence 3
    – Elaborate the topic sentence
    – Provide an example/ evidence/ quotation
    – Explain the importance of the example/ evidence/ quotation
  5. Conclusion
    – Rephrase your thesis フレーズに変え再主張
    – Summarize your 3 topic sentences 論点のまとめ

1. 論点を挙げる順序
<詳細>だから<論点> です。
<論点> です。 なぜなら<詳細> です。

2. フレーズや単語のワンパターン化をさける

3. エッセイのタイプにより1人称を使わない
客観的に述べるEssayでは一人称、二人称を使用しません。 あくまでも事実をもとにした客観的な書き方がより説得力あるためです。
